How Will New Technologies Impact Your Organisation in the Next 2, 5 or 15 Years?

Self-driving cars on our streets, 3D-printed shoes, robots taking our jobs, new online craft communities, buying coffee with your mobile phone…

We can all see the phenomenal rate of change around us as new technologies become available.  Enabled by digital networks, these technologies converge, accelerate and create exponential change.

Every company, organisation – and even every family – has to consider carefully how to adapt to these changes.  How do we plan successfully for the future, when things seem to be changing so fast?  It can seem daunting and we often don’t know where to start.

Thankfully, there are ways to tackle such a big and complex problem.  It can be broken down into smaller steps and tackled strategically.  We can find answers, gain more understanding and begin to prepare ourselves and our organisations better.

The first step is simple: make a commitment to look at the problem squarely.  You commit to setting aside a little time – perhaps half a day total over the next 30 days – to begin to investigate and draw up a plan for the future.

At Intelligent Futures we invite you to join us in this process, looking at:

– how new technologies are changing society,

– how they lead to innovation and opportunities, and

– how we can leverage those technologies to create or harness impact.

Participation is by invitation – to request your invitation to take part or to receive updates, send an email to with “New Technologies” in the subject line.

CSR Impact: Meet the Speakers

With a few days to go to Feb 12th, we thought you would like to meet the speakers ahead of the event.

Speakers for Feb 12th CSR event




We’ve created an intro for each speaker with their photo, short summary of their work, their key message or goal and a couple of links where you can find further information.  Adam Elman (M&S), Tamsin Lejeune (Ethical Fashion Forum)  Francine Bennett (Mastodon C), Nathan Waterhouse (OpenIDEO)  Trudy Thompson (Bricks and Bread), Paul Fletcher (Through-Architecture)

Do let us know if you have any questions for the speakers – email them to ahead of the event and we’ll ask them on the night.

Event info and bookings:

Event: Make an Impact in CSR – with Social Media & OpenData

2012 was the “Business Arab Spring”. Social Media and OpenData are radically transforming customers’ and investors’ expectations – and engaging them to create new solutions. Six Ignite-style talks, debate and networking.

Register your place here:

Download the event flyer here:  as a PDF or as a GIF image

When & Where:  12 February 2013, 18:30-22:30.  Google Campus London

Confirmed speakers:  Nathan Waterhouse (OpenIDEO), Tamsin Lejeune (Ethical Fashion Forum), Adam Elman (M&S), Francine Bennett + Bruce Durling (Mastodon C), Trudy Thompson (Bricks&Bread), Paul Fletcher (Through-Architecture)

If you would like to speak at a future event, please get in touch.  We are always keen to hear from innovators about projects in this field.